Hello, my name is Nadia M. Murillo. I am an astrophysicist and an astrochemist. I study multiple protostellar systems. My aim is to understand how the properties of these systems are defined and transfer throughout their stellar lifetimes.
I am currently junior faculty at Instituto de Astronomía (Ensenada, Baja California), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Looking to contact me? Send me an email at nmurillo [at] astro [dot] unam [dot] mx
My research so far has focused on low-mass multiple protostellar systems, in particular those with large separations (>100 au). I am interested in understanding what factors influence their formation and evolution, whether the components are coeval, and how these systems are chemically and physically structured. To do so, I use interferometric and single dish (sub)millimeter observations of molecular lines and continuum to study multiple protostars. In addition, I use physico-chemical models to complement and understand what is going on in the observations. I recently started delving into laboratory experiments, but I have a still a lot to learn and a long way to go on this side of astrophysics and astrochemistry.
Here you can find information about my research, data from my models and observations, as well as my professional experience. My PhD thesis, and hand-drawn figures from the introduction of my thesis, can be found here as well.

Photo Credit: crissorama 2023